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Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It was believe that drinking coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia. Due to its energizing effects to the body, it was introduced to the Arab nations. It was there that the first ever credible evidence of drinking coffee appeared. From the Muslim countries, drinking coffee has spread to Europe, to Indonesia in the Far East and to the Americas.
Coffee drinks come from roasted seeds of coffee beans. Well, if you drink too much instant coffee, you wouldn’t care to know where it came from. From roasted beans, you need to have a grinder so that you can produce coffee powder and you let the coffee maker do the rest. Or for some socialites, you let the barista do the rest.
Coffee drinking has played an essential role in the society. It is often consumed during breakfast or sometimes, many have opt to “Coffee na lang dear” (just coffee for breakfast). It is sometimes served at the end of the meal. And if working at the office, there are always coffee breaks.
Scientific studies have been conducted on the benefits of drinking coffee.  There have been controversies on whether caffeine intake is really good for the body. Many have claims especially instant coffee manufacturers that “drinking coffee is healthy”.  
Here are some of the benefits, if you drink coffee moderately:
1.       Coffee has many antioxidants.
2.       Coffee reduces risks of Alzheimer’s disease.
3.       Coffee reduces risks of Type2 Diabetes.
4.       Coffee reduces risks from getting liver cancer.
5.       Coffee reduces risks of Parkinson’s disease.
6.       Coffee protects from getting heart diseases in old age.
These are just some of the important benefits you can get. There is no problem with drinking coffee regularly. Based on personal experiences, I have been drinking coffee since my elementary days. Aside from those mentioned benefits above, it enhances your memory. Some research shows that drinking coffee enhances short term recall. Another research shows that coffee also enhances sexual drives in women.

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